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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Commencement App

Commencement 2013 is almost here! This year, the Office of the Provost has developed a mobile FHSU Commencement App that will provide useful information about commencement for students, faculty and staff. Features include: Candidate names, hometown, degrees, and concentrations (if applicable). - list of important events that are happening during the week of commencement. It also allows you to add these events straight to your calendar. - "What's On" feature will remind you about events that will be happening within 2 hours of its start time. - Photo sharing allows for users to upload photos or browse photos that have already been taken. - Facebook features that connect to the FHSU commencement page. - Twitter feeds. - Documents are also available for download. Items include a digital copy of the commencement program, student line of march, a campus map, and the DVD Order Form. A City Guide feature harnesses Google Maps to provide driving directions to a preprogrammed list of local restaurants, hotels and attractions. Info Booth provides pertinent information about Graduate Commencement and Undergraduate Commencement. Important messages in regards to commencement will also be sent. We encourage all faculty to download the app. No username or password is required to access it. The app is accessible by opening the following link in your phone's browser:

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