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Monday, March 28, 2011

BUED Requirements


Are you interested in the Testing Requirements for BUED?

How about the Background Checks?

What about obtaining your license?

All of those items have been addressed in a NEW, one-page handout!

Click here!

August Drive in Conference - Great Bend


KSDE, Career and Technical Education, is planning a jump-start to the FY 2012  school year by offering a "Career and Technical Education Drive-In Workshop 2011 opportunity.  The workshop will be held Monday, August 8, 2011 at the Highland Hotel and Convention Center, 3017 West 10th Street, Great Bend KS 67530, from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.  The purpose of this one-day workshop is to assist administrators, counselors and CTE/Academic teachers  to implement quality career clusters/pathways that prepare students to meet graduation and career ready requirements.  This workshop will give participants the tools they  need to build and maintain successful career clusters/pathways!

To register for the workshop, go to the following link:  A block of 100 rooms has been reserved at the Highland Hotel and Convention Center.  The following information  has been provided by the hotel:

Rooms will be held until July 15, 2011. 

Arrival Date:  Sunday, August 7, 2011
Departure Date:  Monday, August 8, 2011
Room Rate:  $60 (Government Rate)
Taxes:  Room rate is subject to current applicable state and local taxes, which are presently at 13.05%.  With proper tax exemption forms, the rate is subject to local occupancy tax which is presently at 5%.
Reservation Procedure:  Call the Hotel Reservations department at 620-792-2431 or toll free at 866-212-7122.  To receive the contracted rate, participants will  need to identify the group name as KSDE Drive-In Workshop.  Reservations not made my July 15, 2011 will be honored on a space available basis.  Check in time begins at 4:00 p.m. and check out time is 11:00 a.m.  The room rate is quoted for 1 to 4 person occupancy.  Please no internet reservations as they will not reflect towards the room block and a higher rate may be charged.

Topics may include but are not limited to:  Rigorous Program of Study, Professional Learning Toolkit, Best Practices, Articulation Agreements, Assessment, Pathway Updates, and Proficiency-based Credit.

Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management


Kansas WORKS!

Kansas Works Information Booth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 - 11:00 AM-2:00 PM

Representatives from Kansas Works will be holding an information booth in the Memorial Union on Tuesday, March 29. They will be showcasing their resources for job seekers and will highlight career opportunities in the State of Kansas. No matter your classification or major - Stop By!

Teacher Career Fair - Spring, 2011


MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

The Teacher Career Fair provides candidates, inexperienced as well as experienced, a one-stop opportunity to meet face-to-face with a large number of school districts to initiate the application process. This is your opportunity to meet and interview with these representatives! Check out the list of school districts attending at

Junior and senior education majors are highly encouraged to attend! Bring copies of your resume, transcripts are optional. Professional dress recommended.

Career Services
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601
Phone: 785-628-4260
Fax: 785-628-4093

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011 Economics Challenge or Personal Finance Challenge.  

The Kansas Council on Economic Education invites you to participate in the 2011 Economics Challenge or Personal Finance Challenge.  

These FREE Challenges are designed to encourage students to test their knowledge while competing with other Kansas students for the State Championship title, prizes and hopes of moving on to the State and National levels.  All results are kept confidential and only schools qualifying for state in-person competitions are announced. 
. No registration fees to participation in the either the Economics and/or the Personal Finance Challenge.
. Competitions involve a preliminary online test of  with top teams moving on to state in-person competitions.  Travel stipends may be requested and awarded based on budgetary needs.
. Economics Challenge is high school only and has two competition divisions: Beginner (David Ricardo) and Advanced (Adam Smith) so there is no requirement for an economics course. 
. Personal Finance Challenge has a middle school and a high school division.  National competition is for high school team only.
. These programs are great opportunity for students to apply their knowledge, work in teams, have fun, and possibly win a trip to New York City or St. Louis!

These FREE online competitions are open right now but closing dates are coming soon.  Details for each competition can be found by choosing the Kansas competition at each of the website below.  You may participate in one or both if you meet the grade level requirements listed below.

ECONOMICS CHALLENGE (Grades 9-12 only):  - Online competition is open now and closes on, Wednesday, March 30th.  State competition is scheduled for Wednesday, April 13th at Emporia State University.

PERSONAL FINANCE CHALLENGE (Grades 6-12):  - Online competition opens next week and closes on Wednesday, April 6th.  State competitions for middle and high school divisions are scheduled for Wednesday, April 20th at Wichita State University.  

Please contact KCEE if you have any questions that are not addressed on the websites.   If you do not teach economics or personal finance, please forward this to someone in your school that may have an interest in participating. 


Kansas Council on Economic Education
1845 Fairmount, WSU Campus Box 203
Wichita, KS 67260-0203

Monday, March 14, 2011

From KSDE - Regarding Pathway Applications

This is from the office of Kirk Haskins and Gayla Randall:

As we come to the last 36 hours of pathway application, several items have come to my attention through common questions. I thought I would share information to speed up the answering.  The first section is for everyone to read, the last are for those that are still trying to meet the March 15, 2011 midnight deadline.
1. "I released my application and now I don't see it when I look under "My CPPSAs". Where is it?"
ANSWER: CPPSA applications move from one level to another as it passes through the system.  There is a yellow box on the top of the CPPSA opening page.  There are a series of boxes under "Status". The boxes are linked to separate levels/steps the application goes through.  To ALWAYS see your application, click on all of the boxes. If you don't, you won't see it unless the application happens to be at the level/step of the one box you have checked.
2. "When I submit the application when I'm done, will it go directly to KSDE?"
ANSWER: No, each CPPSA goes through two levels of approval. When the application completer (you) is finished, the application goes to your administrator. He/she provides the final submission to KSDE.  Let this second person know when you released the application so they don't miss sending it on.
3. "What happens if I didn't have everything right?  Do I have extra time to finish it after March 15th?"
ANSWER: Yes, you must submit something by March 15th (midnight).  Any missing or incorrect information can be added/changed and resubmitted after that date until approval is received.
4. "What happens if I miss the March 15, 2011 (midnight) deadline?"
ANSWER: Perkins and .5 funding stream will be lost for the 2011-2012 school year, however you can reapply between November 15, 2011 and March 15, 2012 to regain funding for 2012-2013. Contact KSDE if you have problems out of your control regarding the submission of your application before the deadline.
5. "How long will it take before I hear about my CPPSA approval/denial?"
ANSWER: Please allow 6-8 weeks for the reviewing and communication process.  Each CPPSA is reviewed by 2 consultants and the assistant director of CTE before approval/denial is determined.
6. "How will I know what I need to edit or change if my CPPSA is denied?"
ANSWER: The  review process allows for each section to be reviewed and comment given if something is not meeting the requirements for approval.  Additional comments will share what is needed for the approval to be given.  This process of review can be repeated until the application is approved as long as it is completed prior to the final deadline, which is in late spring.
1. "I have mapped my courses, but they aren't showing up in Section III. What's wrong?"
ANSWER: This can mean a variety of things.  1.) Courses are sitting in pending...e-mail me if that is the case sharing your course names and USD #; 2.) courses are sitting in "incorrect" and needs your changes and resubmitted....e-mail me once they are resubmitted with the course names and USD# ; 3.) Courses were mapped as secondary and not CTE to your local data entry person to see if this is the issue to correct; 4.) Courses were mapped to a code that is not on the pathway design sheet....remap each course as a new one, don't change anything already approved in KCCMS, but enter it as a new course using an "effective date" of 7-1-11 which indicates it's for a pathway and the code should be reviewed.
2. " My courses are not coded correctly, can't I submit them incorrectly and then clean it up later?"
ANSWER: No, courses must be approved through KCCMS before showing up in Section III.  If not mapped correctly, courses are  not available in Section III. ONLY course codes on the pathway design sheet will be approved for a pathway.  Code descriptions must also match the code and thus the content of the course.  Using descriptions for currently offered courses may not fit. Review acceptable descriptions by looking under "Kansas Course Codes and Descriptions" found on the opening page of the Human Services career cluster link.  Note the credit value on the pathway design sheet. If you have concerns about these, contact KSDE with your problems.  Note that "sequence" is only for those codes used for more than one course (i.e. dividing a 1.0 credit course into two .5 credit courses...whereas you have a 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 sequence.)  Use sequence of 1 of 1 for all other courses. (This is not a method of tracking course offerings at the local level, it's for indicating the above situation only. ALL technical and application course codes are funded, however introduction level are not funded so marked the funding status appropriately.
3. "I don't have my articulation agreement back from the post-secondary institution. What do I do in Section IV?"
ANSWER: Scan and upload an unsigned copy of the agreement so you can get something submitted by the deadline, knowing you will not be approved, but you will have additional time to obtain the final copy to upload after your  CPPSA  review is completed and sent back to you to correct.
4. "What about year 13 on the Program of Study. Where do I find that?  It's not showing up?"

ANSWER:  Post-secondary courses are not mapped through KCCMS, you will need to type those directly into the CPPSA Program of Study document. Locate the year 13 course information from your post-secondary institution by going to their website and looking at the courses a freshman would take in the degree your articulation agreement is linked to. You do not need to list all courses within the specific academic areas at this time, only the CTE courses.

(Removed is the line …“Be sure to list all the courses in their specific academic areas, not just CTE courses.” )

5. "What if something in the application isn't working or submitting?  Can I skip a section to go to the next one and then go back? Can I do part of the application and then come back later to finish?"
ANSWER: Each section must be saved before you can go to the next section. Once you hit "save", you'll get one of two boxes...the red box means something wasn't completed correctly and then it will list what is incorrect; the green box means everything is good and it will tell you to go to the next section.  Once you get a 'green box', that section is saved and you can leave and come back later.  If you are part way through a section and leave, entered information will be lost.
Each section must be completed in cannot skip one to come back to later. 
IF anything about the entry of information, saving or progress through the application is not working, contact through an e-mail who will answer technical questions in a very quick turnaround time.
6. "Lead instructor's name is not showing up in that section. What do I do?"
ANSWER: Lead instructor drop down box listings is determined by the Licensed Personnel Report. If your districts report is not through the KSDE system as of the date of the CPPSA submission, names will be missing.  You can select "Not Available" and continue the application. This will not keep your application from being disapproved.
7. "Can someone at KSDE review the application before I submit it to see if anything is incorrect?"
ANSWER:  Due to time constraints, CPPSA's cannot be reviewed until after submitted. The important issue is to have the CPPSA submitted by the deadline.  See above answers regarding time given after March 15th to correct missing/inaccurate information.