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Friday, February 4, 2011

Regarding 2012 Perkins Reserve Funds

On Thursday, February 10, 2011, a training session to assist districts in completing a Project Abstract for the 2012 Perkins Reserve Competitive Funds will be held.  The session will also be recorded and archived for those unable to participate next Thursday.   

A troubleshooting session will start at 1:30 p.m. on February 10th  for 30 minutes to test the connection before the scheduled meeting at 2:00 p.m.  The session is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  delivery.  There is a LiveMedia compatibility test session set for Monday, February 7th, from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. for visitors that would like to test their systems with KSDE's. It is  recommended that those unfamiliar with KSDE's LiveMedia read an information document outlining procedures and requirements to access.    Then to ensure that the system is understood, call or connect on Monday to reduce the tech calls that might occur on the event date.  There are two methods in which to access the LiveMedia website and information document.  First method is to go directly to the website,   Second method is to go to the following link: and scroll down to the blue tab, CTE Administrators Update, Viewing KSDE LiveMedia. 

To preview the actual documents outlining the FY 2012 Perkins Reserve Competitive Funds Grant application go to the following website: and scroll down to Rigorous Programs of Study.  There are two documents:  APPLICATION FOR RESERVE COMPETITIVE FUNDS  FY 2012 and Project Abstract.  The first document, Application for Reserve Competitive Funds,  provides a detailed description  about the project and its requirements.  The second document, Project Abstract, is the actual document that will be completed and submitted to our office by March 15, 2011.

There is no registration for the LiveMedia presentation on Thursday, February 10, 2011.  All interested parties are welcome. 

If there are questions about the FY 2012 Perkins Reserve Competitive Funds, please contact Karmey Olson at 785-296-2883 or

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Message from KSDE Regarding 2011 SEET Tech Workshop

Bill Nash, Dean of Technical Education, Barton Community College sent to share with you and colleagues who may be interested..see below.

This workshop allows high school teachers and  community college faculty an opportunity to visit the National Renewable Energy Lab where they will attend presentations and discussions with the research scientists working at the lab.  They also will participate in group projects involving the development of high school and community college sustainable energy curriculum. This is an unbelievable opportunity for a High School science or technical  teachers. and it's FREE.


The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC, at announces that applications are now open for the 2011 SEET Workshop, June 12 - 24, 2011 at the Center for Energy Research Institute at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO.

The annual SEET Workshops are funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (DUE#0902309) and currently developed through a partnership among ATEEC, Colorado School of Mines, Eastern Iowa Community College District, and the Partnership for Environmental Technology Education. Current high school and two-year college energy technology instructors from across the U.S. are invited to apply. Twenty-five (25) instructors will be selected to attend and will receive a stipend to assist with completion of workshop activities. Most expenses are covered for participants by the grant. Additional details and the workshop application are available on the ATEEC Web site at

The primary goal of the SEET Technology Workshop project is to build the capacity of energy technicians to meet the challenges of sustainable energy in the 21st century workplace through ten-day intensive annual workshops at research facilities. Eligible workshop participants are energy technology instructors at upper level high school and community college levels. Workshop content experts will share knowledge about research advances in energy technology, requirements for technicians, and implications for a sustainable energy future. Instructors who participate in the workshops will be connected and supported by an active online network and workshop follow-up support. Sustainable energy knowledge will be further extended to additional technology instructors through events coordinated by workshop participants in their home communities.

The 2011 workshop will focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. The workshop will provide hands-on, inquiry-based lab experiences; take-home equipment and training; and site visits and field work assisted by partners of the hosting institutions. The workshop participants will team to identify and develop teaching and learning strategies and materials to share with high school and two-year college educators through ATEEC's energy resource clearinghouse.

Send your application and two letters of reference by March 18, 2011 as directed on the application. (Please note that late or incomplete applications may not receive full consideration.) Questions not answered on the ATEEC Web site ( may be directed to the SEET Program Coordinator at

Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management
