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Friday, September 23, 2011

Business Ed Scholarship

Dear College Professor:

The Kansas Business Education Association is offering two $500 scholarships to students pursuing a degree in business education. I would ask that you share this information with your students and encourage them to review the scholarship requirements and apply for the scholarship if eligible.

Attached you will find the application form, which outlines the requirements for the scholarship. The application form is also available online at by selecting the forms tab. In addition to the application form, the student must also submit an essay response to the question at the bottom of the form and an official transcript. At this time, I have only received one application from a paid student member. The application materials were originally due May 1, 2010, but I have extended the deadline to next Friday, September 30, so please encourage your students in completing this scholarship and joining KBEA.

One requirement of the scholarship is that the student be a member or student member of KBEA. If they are not currently a member, they may apply online at any time by going to and selecting the membership tab. Their payment needs to be received by 3 PM next Friday in order to be a paid member in good standing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email at I look forward to receiving your students' applications! Please notify me if you have any interested student members! I will encourage them to complete the application and process!


Gina Stanley
KBEA Past-President

Link to Scholarship Application

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