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Thursday, May 12, 2011

KBOR Conference/Brustein to Present

As part of the annual KBOR Conference, the KBOR CTE staff is offering a special session on the Perkins Grant. The session, which will focus on Perkins IV, will be presented by Michael Brustein, Esq. Mr. Brustein is a founding partner of the firm Brustein & Manasevit, and is a nationally recognized authority on the federal delivery system for workforce and career / technical education. He has authored / coauthored numerous books on Perkins (I), (II) (III) (IV), and the Tech Prep Education Act. The session will be held on Tuesday, June 7th, from 1 - 5 pm, at the Ramada Inn Hotel in Topeka, and will include the following topics:

. Student Organization Activities: What can and cannot be paid for?
. Programs of Study: How many must be conducted?
. Accountability Sanctions: What happens after 3 years of less than 90% compliance?
. Tech Prep: What is the future under consolidation?
. Supplanting: How to avoid when state and local funds are reduced?
. Time/Effort Reporting: How many "cost objectives" must be reported under OMB Circular A-87?
. Match/MOE: What are the enforcement sanctions?
. Sub recipient Monitoring: Must it be on-site and can it be contracted out?
. Inventory Management: What is the funding threshold for "tagging"?
. Civil Rights: What obligations govern Perkins?

For answers to these questions, as well as comments from colleagues about Perkins implementation, don't miss this event!! There is no registration fee; however, if you are planning to attend, please notify either Mari Tucker at or 785-368-7109 or Kelly Russell at or 785-296-3958.


Mari Tucker
Associate Director for Career Technical Education
Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368
Phone: 785-368-7109
Fax: 785-296-3957

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