As part of the annual KBOR Conference, the KBOR CTE staff is offering a special session on the Perkins Grant. The session, which will focus on Perkins IV, will be presented by Michael Brustein, Esq. Mr. Brustein is a founding partner of the firm Brustein & Manasevit, and is a nationally recognized authority on the federal delivery system for workforce and career / technical education. He has authored / coauthored numerous books on Perkins (I), (II) (III) (IV), and the Tech Prep Education Act. The session will be held on Tuesday, June 7th, from 1 - 5 pm, at the Ramada Inn Hotel in Topeka, and will include the following topics:
. Student Organization Activities: What can and cannot be paid for?
. Programs of Study: How many must be conducted?
. Accountability Sanctions: What happens after 3 years of less than 90% compliance?
. Tech Prep: What is the future under consolidation?
. Supplanting: How to avoid when state and local funds are reduced?
. Time/Effort Reporting: How many "cost objectives" must be reported under OMB Circular A-87?
. Match/MOE: What are the enforcement sanctions?
. Sub recipient Monitoring: Must it be on-site and can it be contracted out?
. Inventory Management: What is the funding threshold for "tagging"?
. Civil Rights: What obligations govern Perkins?
For answers to these questions, as well as comments from colleagues about Perkins implementation, don't miss this event!! There is no registration fee; however, if you are planning to attend, please notify either Mari Tucker at or 785-368-7109 or Kelly Russell at or 785-296-3958.
Mari Tucker
Associate Director for Career Technical Education
Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368
Phone: 785-368-7109
Fax: 785-296-3957
Thursday, May 12, 2011
From Kirk Haskins - Common Core Standards
Due to high interest we have added 2 new location/dates to the summer schedule (see below)!
June 21-22-Junction City 1 - Junction City Middle School - currently has a waiting list
**NEW June 23-24 Junction City 2 - Junction City Middle School
June 28-29-Wichita-South High School-currently has a waiting list
**NEW June 30-July 1 - Goddard - Eisenhower Middle School
July 7-8-Piper-Piper High School - currently has a waiting list
July 11-12-Iola-Iola High School
July 14-15-Hays-Hays High School
July 18-19-Garden City-Garden City High School
Important notes about locations:
Waiting Lists - We have no way of placing a part of an academy on a waiting list (e.g. 3-5 grade, classroom focus in math), so we have to place the entire location on a waiting list when any one grade level/focus/content area group gets high enrollment numbers that make it impossible for us to accommodate any more in that group. Once a location goes onto a waiting list, we periodically go through the registrations to see who can be changed from the "waiting list" to fully enrolled. When we do this, everyone on the waiting list for that location receives an e-mail letting them know their current status. This is important information to know right now, particularly as it relates to the Piper location, because we still have several openings in several groups at Piper, just not all of them. So, do not hesitate to enroll on a waiting list for Piper - since there is a good chance you will get in if your grade level and content area is not full! For the Junction City 1 and Wichita academies, we have already gone through the waiting lists at least once and moved several people to fully registered. The people on waiting lists for these locations are truly awaiting changes in other people's enrollments in hopes that they could still get registered for these sites. However, since we are adding another Academy in Junction City and in a surrounding Wichita district, Goddard, it would be important that you register for any of the two new sites as soon as possible.
Low Enrollment Possibilities - Please, keep in mind that any of these new sites, as well as the original six sites, that do not have sufficient enrollment to cover expenses may be cancelled. So, if you are planning to attend one of the summer academies, the sooner you can get your enrollment submitted the sooner we can know for sure that there are enough participants to offer the academy for that location/date. In the event that we have to cancel a location, we will make final determinations in plenty of time for registrants to still be able to find alternative sites.
General Summer Academy Information
DESCRIPTION: The academies will be 2 days of professional development around the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), focusing on implications for classroom practice and the transition from the now retired 2003 Kansas Standards to the new CCSS. Within each content area, English Language Arts and Mathematics, participants will be divided by grade bands for teachers, with an additional group that looks at building/district transitional issues. Each group will be limited to 25 participants and will have 2 presenters to maximize interaction.
TIMES: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (both days)
MATERIALS: Materials for the academy will be posted by June 1. It is expected that each participant will print the necessary materials and bring them or that they will bring a computer to access them.
COLLEGE CREDIT: College credit registration will be available onsite. Details will be posted by in the next few days.
CONTENT AREA: Each participant must pick ONE content area (Mathematics or Language Arts) for the duration of the academy. The nature of this professional development is such that each participant is focused on one content area during the entire academy. Individuals that wish to get information for both content areas might consider collaborating with other participants and/or attending additional academies.
SURVEY OF ENACTED CURRICULUM: Each teacher that registers to attend the Kansas Common Core Standards Summer Academy is expected to take the Survey of Enacted Curriculum beforehand. This survey asks questions about instructional practices in the classroom. The survey will help teachers to examine the alignment between what is taught in their classroom and the new and old standards. This survey can take from 90 - 120 minutes and does not need to be completed in one sitting.
The registration fee includes breakfast and lunch each day.
Also on under Upcoming KSDE-sponsored Events
Any questions can be directed to any of the KSDE staff listed below by calling (785) 296-1130 or (785) 296-3261 or by e-mail at:
David Barnes:
Matt Copeland:
Kris Shaw:
Matt Krehbiel:
Don Copeland:
Jeannette Nobo:
June 21-22-Junction City 1 - Junction City Middle School - currently has a waiting list
**NEW June 23-24 Junction City 2 - Junction City Middle School
June 28-29-Wichita-South High School-currently has a waiting list
**NEW June 30-July 1 - Goddard - Eisenhower Middle School
July 7-8-Piper-Piper High School - currently has a waiting list
July 11-12-Iola-Iola High School
July 14-15-Hays-Hays High School
July 18-19-Garden City-Garden City High School
Important notes about locations:
Waiting Lists - We have no way of placing a part of an academy on a waiting list (e.g. 3-5 grade, classroom focus in math), so we have to place the entire location on a waiting list when any one grade level/focus/content area group gets high enrollment numbers that make it impossible for us to accommodate any more in that group. Once a location goes onto a waiting list, we periodically go through the registrations to see who can be changed from the "waiting list" to fully enrolled. When we do this, everyone on the waiting list for that location receives an e-mail letting them know their current status. This is important information to know right now, particularly as it relates to the Piper location, because we still have several openings in several groups at Piper, just not all of them. So, do not hesitate to enroll on a waiting list for Piper - since there is a good chance you will get in if your grade level and content area is not full! For the Junction City 1 and Wichita academies, we have already gone through the waiting lists at least once and moved several people to fully registered. The people on waiting lists for these locations are truly awaiting changes in other people's enrollments in hopes that they could still get registered for these sites. However, since we are adding another Academy in Junction City and in a surrounding Wichita district, Goddard, it would be important that you register for any of the two new sites as soon as possible.
Low Enrollment Possibilities - Please, keep in mind that any of these new sites, as well as the original six sites, that do not have sufficient enrollment to cover expenses may be cancelled. So, if you are planning to attend one of the summer academies, the sooner you can get your enrollment submitted the sooner we can know for sure that there are enough participants to offer the academy for that location/date. In the event that we have to cancel a location, we will make final determinations in plenty of time for registrants to still be able to find alternative sites.
General Summer Academy Information
DESCRIPTION: The academies will be 2 days of professional development around the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), focusing on implications for classroom practice and the transition from the now retired 2003 Kansas Standards to the new CCSS. Within each content area, English Language Arts and Mathematics, participants will be divided by grade bands for teachers, with an additional group that looks at building/district transitional issues. Each group will be limited to 25 participants and will have 2 presenters to maximize interaction.
TIMES: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (both days)
MATERIALS: Materials for the academy will be posted by June 1. It is expected that each participant will print the necessary materials and bring them or that they will bring a computer to access them.
COLLEGE CREDIT: College credit registration will be available onsite. Details will be posted by in the next few days.
CONTENT AREA: Each participant must pick ONE content area (Mathematics or Language Arts) for the duration of the academy. The nature of this professional development is such that each participant is focused on one content area during the entire academy. Individuals that wish to get information for both content areas might consider collaborating with other participants and/or attending additional academies.
SURVEY OF ENACTED CURRICULUM: Each teacher that registers to attend the Kansas Common Core Standards Summer Academy is expected to take the Survey of Enacted Curriculum beforehand. This survey asks questions about instructional practices in the classroom. The survey will help teachers to examine the alignment between what is taught in their classroom and the new and old standards. This survey can take from 90 - 120 minutes and does not need to be completed in one sitting.
The registration fee includes breakfast and lunch each day.
Also on under Upcoming KSDE-sponsored Events
Any questions can be directed to any of the KSDE staff listed below by calling (785) 296-1130 or (785) 296-3261 or by e-mail at:
David Barnes:
Matt Copeland:
Kris Shaw:
Matt Krehbiel:
Don Copeland:
Jeannette Nobo:
As next year's state budget nears completion, President Hammond discusses impact on FHSU
The Kansas Legislature may have broken the budget logjam for fiscal year 2012, which begins July 1, and Dr. Edward H. Hammond talked today about what the impact could be for Fort Hays State University.
First, though, he cautioned that the budget decision still was not final. "It's not over yet," he said. "The conference committee passed a compromise budget Wednesday night that now must be approved by the full House and the full Senate and then must go to Gov. Sam Brownback for his signature."
If the budget goes forward as proposed by the conference committee, it will mean a $1 million reduction in next year's FHSU budget from the current budget, "This cut will take us back to the level of state financial support that we had in fiscal year 2005," he said.
President Hammond said that with another $1 million in unfunded mandates, FHSU was actually facing a reduction of about $2 million. "We will lose about $570,000 to $600,000 in across-the-board cuts and the remainder in an assortment of specific smaller cuts," he said. "The other million dollars represents expenditures we are required to make but are not funded by the state, most notably a $606,000 increase in employer health insurance costs next year."
The reduction to the 2005 level of state support is especially difficult given the extraordinary growth at FHSU. The university had a fall enrollment of just over 9,000 in 2005. Next year FHSU will serve more than 12,000 students, an increase of 3,000, with that same amount of money.
"We can manage the challenges," he said. "Two years ago we implemented a number of efficiencies and made changes, such as significantly reducing summer school and moving to a four-day, 10-hour-a-day work week in the summer, that put us in position to deal with this latest reduction."
However, he quickly added, "We can't take more cuts."
President Hammond said his greatest immediate concern was the way classified employees were being treated. The Legislature, not university presidents, makes salary decisions for classified employees, who are the rank and file workers such as custodians and secretaries and physical plant laborers. By contrast, university presidents make final salary decisions for unclassified employees, who are the faculty and professional staff.
The budget that was passed out of the conference committee gives no raises to classified employees. Also, it cancels the fourth year of a five-year plan to upgrade classified employee salaries to market levels. Many classified employees received those adjustments over the past three years, but some were not scheduled to receive the adjustments until the next two years. In addition, the proposed budget adds a 2.5-percent surcharge to health care premiums of classified employees. "The surcharge will amount to about a $50 per year tax on each employee, but considering that they will not receive raises, it seems like a slap in the face," the president said. "They are being treated unfairly. Those making the least are the ones having their salaries cut."
With university budgets due next week, the staff at FHSU must work non-stop to make final decisions in light of the legislative action. And the president repeated that the state budget was not yet final.
Kent L. Steward
Director, University Relations
204 Sheridan Hall
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601-4099
office: (785) 628-4208
cell: (785) 365-3478
fax: (785) 628-4152
home: (785) 625-8493
First, though, he cautioned that the budget decision still was not final. "It's not over yet," he said. "The conference committee passed a compromise budget Wednesday night that now must be approved by the full House and the full Senate and then must go to Gov. Sam Brownback for his signature."
If the budget goes forward as proposed by the conference committee, it will mean a $1 million reduction in next year's FHSU budget from the current budget, "This cut will take us back to the level of state financial support that we had in fiscal year 2005," he said.
President Hammond said that with another $1 million in unfunded mandates, FHSU was actually facing a reduction of about $2 million. "We will lose about $570,000 to $600,000 in across-the-board cuts and the remainder in an assortment of specific smaller cuts," he said. "The other million dollars represents expenditures we are required to make but are not funded by the state, most notably a $606,000 increase in employer health insurance costs next year."
The reduction to the 2005 level of state support is especially difficult given the extraordinary growth at FHSU. The university had a fall enrollment of just over 9,000 in 2005. Next year FHSU will serve more than 12,000 students, an increase of 3,000, with that same amount of money.
"We can manage the challenges," he said. "Two years ago we implemented a number of efficiencies and made changes, such as significantly reducing summer school and moving to a four-day, 10-hour-a-day work week in the summer, that put us in position to deal with this latest reduction."
However, he quickly added, "We can't take more cuts."
President Hammond said his greatest immediate concern was the way classified employees were being treated. The Legislature, not university presidents, makes salary decisions for classified employees, who are the rank and file workers such as custodians and secretaries and physical plant laborers. By contrast, university presidents make final salary decisions for unclassified employees, who are the faculty and professional staff.
The budget that was passed out of the conference committee gives no raises to classified employees. Also, it cancels the fourth year of a five-year plan to upgrade classified employee salaries to market levels. Many classified employees received those adjustments over the past three years, but some were not scheduled to receive the adjustments until the next two years. In addition, the proposed budget adds a 2.5-percent surcharge to health care premiums of classified employees. "The surcharge will amount to about a $50 per year tax on each employee, but considering that they will not receive raises, it seems like a slap in the face," the president said. "They are being treated unfairly. Those making the least are the ones having their salaries cut."
With university budgets due next week, the staff at FHSU must work non-stop to make final decisions in light of the legislative action. And the president repeated that the state budget was not yet final.
Kent L. Steward
Director, University Relations
204 Sheridan Hall
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601-4099
office: (785) 628-4208
cell: (785) 365-3478
fax: (785) 628-4152
home: (785) 625-8493
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Jones Recognized with Service Award for Spring

This semester (Spring, 2011) I was recognized with the Faculty Award for Service.
This is a huge honor, I am very flattered to have received it. I certainly appreciate Dr. Weisenborn for nominating me and for supporting me as I have taken on a variety of service activities.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
KCEE State Econ Challenge Winners
Congratulations to Maize High School for winning the Adam Smith division of the State Econ Challenge at Emporia State University. Maize defeated Phillipsburg High School in an exciting final head to head competition.
- Salina South was the David Ricardo division winner, defeating a determined team from - Luke Bartz - Maize High School - was the highest scoring individual in the competition and received the Individual Economics Knowledge Award.
- Congratulations to all of you who made it that far. We look forward to another exciting competition next year.
- Salina South was the David Ricardo division winner, defeating a determined team from - Luke Bartz - Maize High School - was the highest scoring individual in the competition and received the Individual Economics Knowledge Award.
- Congratulations to all of you who made it that far. We look forward to another exciting competition next year.
KCEE Personal Finance Literacy Challenge Winners
Congratulations to Blue Valley North High School for finishing 1st and 2nd in this year's State competition in the High School division.
Congratulations should also be extended to Heidi Friedrich from Blue Valley for taking top individual honors and Blue Valley educator Allison Gossick for a fine job of preparing her charges.
The winner in the Middle School division was Iola as they defeated McLouth in the final round. Congratulations to Abigail Taylor of Iola as she was the top individual in the Middle School division. Congratulations to all who made it to Wichita for the State finals. I hope you can all make it back next year. (Except for the Seniors, that would be kind of weird.)
Congratulations should also be extended to Heidi Friedrich from Blue Valley for taking top individual honors and Blue Valley educator Allison Gossick for a fine job of preparing her charges.
The winner in the Middle School division was Iola as they defeated McLouth in the final round. Congratulations to Abigail Taylor of Iola as she was the top individual in the Middle School division. Congratulations to all who made it to Wichita for the State finals. I hope you can all make it back next year. (Except for the Seniors, that would be kind of weird.)
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