I'm not sure I really agree with this little fellow, but he sure thinks he has something great to talk about... perhaps some of it is of value??---Not sure?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy / Safe Fall Break!!!
FHSU adjourns classes today, for 1 week of Fall/Thanksgiving Break.
Dr. Guyot and I want to wish everyone a happy, enjoyable, safe Fall Break.
We will see you on November 30. (Dr. Guyot and I will be in Topeka on 11/29/2010, for a meeting.)
Best to you all!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Business Admin Pathway Approved for High Schools
Below is a note from Kirk Haskins at KSDE:
Please share with your schools and districts that yesterday the KACCTE advisory board approved Business Entrepreneurship and Management pathway (CIP Code 52.0799). Mike Valdivia, Blue Cross Blue Shields, did an outstanding job illustrating to the board both the importance and impact this pathway will have in serving Kansas high school students. Great job Mike!
In addition, KACCTE also approved that a new course, Business Economics (12105), be offered (at least as an option) in all Business, Marketing and Management clusters/pathways.
We had an excellent Business Industry Advisory Board, and I want to thank them for their guidance and time in creating this pathway. Specific thanks goes to Kylie Stupka, Youth Entrepreneurs, Rob Catlett, Emporia State, and Wally Meier, University of Kansas for being instrumental in our course development.
Also, I owe a big thank you to Scott Jones, Fort Hays State. His early work on Marketing and Finance, made my job easier. Without him, I would still be trying to figure out the difference in a cluster and a pathway.
Finally, I want to thank the 100's of business educators and school administrators for their suggestions and patience. From Wichita to Beloit to Oakley to Olathe, this pathway impacts the entire state. Getting a pathway of this magnitude designed was a daunting task, and none of this could have been done without the support from out teachers.
Best of weekends,
Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management
Monday, November 15, 2010
Update on Brayden Sander
From Shanna Zimmerman (Wichita East)
Brayden will be in the NICU for a few days to a couple weeks. He has to demonstrate his ability to breathe on his own, regulate his own temperature, and eat on his own (not with a spoon and fork J). They weaned him off the ventilator this morning and he has been doing well on his temperature. He is strong and in good shape for a preemie, there haven’t been any setbacks.
New FHSU Business Ed Tiger
Congrats to Lyndsey and Austin Sander.
News via Shanna Zimmerman (Wichita East):
Lyndsey and Austin are both FHSU Business Ed Alum and they teach together at Wichita Heights.I got a text today that Lyndsey had her baby – she wasn’t due until mid-December.“Brayden Daniel Sander is here. 5lb 7oz 18 in. He is doing well for being a preemie but is in the nicu. Please keep our little man in your prayers.”
Congrats to the Sanders!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
February Conference
KSDE and KBOR have decided not to host the annual February Conference this year. However, KAESA (Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies) has decided to hold a CTE conference---I'm finding this interesting, to say the least...???.... (oh well)
The information that Kirk Haskins from KSDE sent out is below******************
On behalf of the Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies:Registration now available!Career & Technical EducationAnnual February ConferenceLearning Today, Earning TomorrowFebruary 21-23, 2011Wichita Airport Hilton, Wichita, KSSponsored by the Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies (KAESA)Click here for additional information and to register: http://www.smokyhill.org/vnews/display.v/ART/4c87b3ca37004A tentative schedule of sessions will be posted in the future. Below are the conference hours for each day to assist in making travel plans:Monday, February 21: 1:00-4:45pmTuesday, February 22: 8am-4:45pmWednesday, February 23: 8:30-11:00amPlease direct any questions to marie.hall@greenbush.orgThanks-MarieMarie Z. HallCoordinator - Career & Technical EducationSoutheast Kansas Education Service Centermarie.hall@greenbush.orgP: (785) 862-7840C: (785) 249-8772F: (785) 862-8688
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
BMA - Courses Ready for Review
All five required courses for the Business Entrepreneurship and Management Pathway (52.0799) are available for review. Business Essentials (12050), Business Management (12052), Entrepreneurship (12053), Business Economics (12105) and Applied Business Development (12099) can be found at http://www.ksde.org/Default.aspx?tabid=3183. You will find these "DRAFTS" under the heading "Business, Management & Administration Documents."
Competencies reflect standards from National Career Clusters, National Content Standards for Entrepreneurship Education, National Business Education Association and The Council for Economic Education. In addition, these courses represent a collaboration of effort and feedback from secondary, post-secondary and industry representatives. I'm very pleased and proud of the hard work and commitment by these volunteers. I thank them all!
Please share these available documents with your colleagues. Feedback is important. They will be submitted for KACCTE approval on Nov. 17, 2010. I will be collecting comments until Friday, Nov. 12, 2010. E-mail your questions and comments to khaskins@ksde.org.
Thanks again for your patience.
Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
From KSDE -- The Fed in KC
On behalf of Gigi Wolf, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City:
Dinner and Discussion for Educators
Topic: Economic Update and Lessons Learned from the Recession
Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City invites K-16 educators to attend an Evening at the Fed, a professional development opportunity featuring a presentation about the current state of our economy. Attendees will also receive a certificate of professional development and free materials to help apply the information learned in the classroom. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Space is limited.
Register online today at https://www.frbconferences.org/kc/10KCEveningAtTheFed/
5:15 pm Registration opens
5:30 pm Reception and resource fair
6:00 pm Buffet opens
6:30 pm Presentation by Todd E. Clark, Vice President and Economist
8:00 pm Adjourn
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
1 Memorial Drive
Kansas City, MO 64198
For more information please contact:
Gigi Wolf
(816) 881-2736 or (800) 333-1010, ext. 12736
Dr. Jim Rucker (1947 - 2010)
If you are not aware, Dr. Rucker passed away on October 22, 2010. His funeral was October 25, in Hays.
Dr. Rucker was a beloved member of the FHSU Community, active in Business Education and Business Communication circles around the country.
He will be missed!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Mock Teacher Interviews
Mock Teacher Interviews are being planned by Career Planning and Placement. Attached you will find the announcement regarding the activity.
This is a GREAT opportunity, I would highly encourage you to participate if you will be graduating in the next 2-4 semester.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Message to Fall Student Teachers

Message to Fall 2010 student teachers from Dr. Guyot!
(Got your attention with Dr. Guyot's picture, didn't I?)
Link to Dr. Guyot's message.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Your Customizable Program Plan
Want to see a sample plan of how you can complete your degree in Business Education in 4-years?
Take a look at the attached spreadsheet. Download it, you can customize to fit your needs.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Kansas Business Administration Cluster
Kansas Business Teachers met in Topeka earlier this week to begin the development process of the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster.
Pictured: Shirley Yoder (Hutchinson High School), Lori Rayl (Hutchinson High School), Brian McFall---an FHSU Alumni (Washburn Rural High School), Teresa Golden (Washburn Rural High School), and Paige McCarthy (Manhattan High School).
Lots of great discussion. To check out the blog from the Kansas Business Administration Career Cluster development group, click here.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Have a GREAT Summer!
We hope you have a great summer! Please continue to check this blog over the summer--we will update with any new and exciting information as it occurs.
We look forward to seeing you in August and to starting another GREAT year!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Congratulations 2010 Graduates!
I just left Gross and headed back to my office in McCartney. What a nice graduation ceremony! Unfortunately, I was sitting too far in the back (left outside row) and didn't get have the chance to say, "Hello and Congratulations" to each of you.
2010 Graduating Seniors
2010 Graduating Seniors
- Debra Alexander-Wilson, Hill City
- Clayton Evans, Hutchinson
- Matt Goetz, Hoisington
- Erika Householter, Pratt
- J.D. Johnson, Utica
- Jordan Kroeger, Ellis
- Troy Lussenhop, Loveland, CO
Thursday, May 13, 2010
New Name - New Attitude
The Marketing / Management Club is now the Marketing / Management Association. MMA will continue to be affiliated with Collegiate DECA. They have a new Google site (courtesy of Jessica Tormey), check it out: https://sites.google.com/site/fhsumma/
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Western Kansas Marketing Teachers - UNITE!
Mr. Chris Battin (Great Bend High School), Mr. Chase Topliff (Goodland High School), Mrs. Shaina Prough (Hays High School), and Mrs. Darla Stone (K-State)--joined via "Skype." We had a great discussion as we shared insights, strategies, and ideas for redesigning our programs and creating even more opportunities for Kansas students.
As we look forward, we are considering additional meetings to share ideas and grow together professionally. If you are interested in joining us in the fall, let me know (sjones@fhsu.edu) we would love to grow Marketing Pathways in Western Kansas.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Jodi DeArmond (FHSU Alumni) Launches Blog

Jodi DeArmond (BUED '07) recently launched her own blog, creatively titled ilive, ilearn, iteach. (I'm already jealous, because the title is so cool!)
You can check her blog out by going to: http://Iliveilearniteach.blogspot.com
To learn more about Jodi's endeavors as a high school teacher, use the link to the right and check out the Alumni page.
Jodi---Thanks for sharing with us. It is always GREAT to hear from Alumni.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Jordan Kroeger NBEA Award of Merit

This year, Jordan Kroeger has been selected as one of NBEA's Award of Merit recipients. This is a HUGE honor, we are very proud!
Jordan recently finished his student-teaching at Andover High School.
BUED Scholarships
Today was the day for the College of Business & Leadership's Awards Ceremony and Reception.
Navigator Award....

It is sometimes a little hard to post information about yourself. While I was in Louisville, I was notified that I was selected as a finalist for the Navigator Award.
The Navigator is a student-driven recognition that acknowledges academic advising.
Just want to say, "Thank You" to whoever nominated me.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Alice Announces Retirement!

Our dear friend, Alice Duwe the CTE Coordinator for Business, Marketing, Computer Technology, and Health Science in Wichita announced this spring that she will be retiring at the end of the Fiscal Year.
Alice is an Alumni of the BUED Program at FHSU. She was a graduate student and held a graduate assistantship while attending FHSU.... the stories of the treats she made and brought into the office still float through the halls.
Through the years, Alice has provided support, technical assistance, insight, and friendship to a countless number of teachers across the state. Alice has worked tirelessly to promote and expand Business Education. While we are excited for her, we will miss her leadership in Kansas CTE.
Good Luck Alice!
Student Senate Resolution
On April 23, SGA passed a resolution recognizing the hard work the College of Education and Technology completed in being accredited by KSDE and NCATE this year. Take a look.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Marketing Pathway Meeting - Western Kansas...
Marketing Educators from Western Kansas (and anyone who wants to attend) will meet on May 11, 2010 to discuss Marketing Career Pathways and how to implement at the local level.
If you would like to attend, please complete the form attached.
If you can't physically join us, but would like to join via internet connection, please complete the above registration and enter the phrase VIRTUAL in the Special Needs box in the registration form.
This will be an informal discussion during the morning of 5/11/2010. There is NO FEE for the meeting. This activity is sponsored by the Business Education Program and the Department of Management & Marketing at Fort Hays State University!
FYI - The meeting will be in McCartney Hall, 109 (aka - COBL Dean's Conference Room)
If you would like to attend, please complete the form attached.
If you can't physically join us, but would like to join via internet connection, please complete the above registration and enter the phrase VIRTUAL in the Special Needs box in the registration form.
This will be an informal discussion during the morning of 5/11/2010. There is NO FEE for the meeting. This activity is sponsored by the Business Education Program and the Department of Management & Marketing at Fort Hays State University!
FYI - The meeting will be in McCartney Hall, 109 (aka - COBL Dean's Conference Room)
KSDE Announces new Business EPC
Robin Harris, Assistant Director for Career, Standards, and Assessment at KSDE, emailed notification on Thursday that Mr. Kirk Haskins has been named the Business Education Program Consultant.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Kirk in the past, I am excited he will be working with Kansas Business Education.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Kirk in the past, I am excited he will be working with Kansas Business Education.
Dr. Rucker Recognized
Dr. Rucker was recognized earlier in the week as one of Mortarboards "Top Profs"
KBEA Scholarship
Please see the email attached from Dr. Guyot regarding the KBEA Scholarship.
The deadline is rapidly approaching! (May 1, 2010)
The deadline is rapidly approaching! (May 1, 2010)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Delta Epsilon Chi... ICDC
Its been awhile. While not directly related to BUED, please be checking on our FHSU Collegiate DECA group (Marketing/Management Club) who are competing at the Delta Epsilon Chi - International Career Development Conference.
I've setup a blog to journal our endeavors. FHSU-dex2010.blogspot.com
Tyler Thompson (INT and BUED major) has a blog to journal things from a student perspective. derbydigital.com/deca2010
I've setup a blog to journal our endeavors. FHSU-dex2010.blogspot.com
Tyler Thompson (INT and BUED major) has a blog to journal things from a student perspective. derbydigital.com/deca2010
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
2010 Orientation Assistants
Congratulations to Jessica Tormey (BUED and Marketing major) and Tyler Thompson (INT and BUED major) who have been selected as 2010 Orientation Assistants!
We are proud of you!
Position Just POSTED!
Teaching Vacancy: Business Education
(This does not appear to have placed on the KEEB. The announcement below is exactly as it was sent to the University by the Principal.)
9-12 Business Education Instructor
Girard High School is taking applications for a 9-12 Business Education Instructor. Applicants will need to have an application, cover letter, resume and list of references on file for consideration. Applications will be accepted until this position is filled. Step one on our salary schedule for a beginning teacher is $39,150. Other benefits are also included.
Extra Curricular Openings: High School Head Volleyball Coach, Cheerleading Sponsor
Contact Person: Blaise Bauer, Girard High School Principal
Phone number: 620-724-4326
Fax number: 620-724-6136
Email: bauer@girard 248.org
Mailing Address:
Girard High School
415 North Summit
Girard, KS 66743
(This does not appear to have placed on the KEEB. The announcement below is exactly as it was sent to the University by the Principal.)
9-12 Business Education Instructor
Girard High School is taking applications for a 9-12 Business Education Instructor. Applicants will need to have an application, cover letter, resume and list of references on file for consideration. Applications will be accepted until this position is filled. Step one on our salary schedule for a beginning teacher is $39,150. Other benefits are also included.
Extra Curricular Openings: High School Head Volleyball Coach, Cheerleading Sponsor
Contact Person: Blaise Bauer, Girard High School Principal
Phone number: 620-724-4326
Fax number: 620-724-6136
Email: bauer@girard 248.org
Mailing Address:
Girard High School
415 North Summit
Girard, KS 66743
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Guyot & Meier Present at SWBS

Dr. Guyot and Dr. Meier presented research at the University of Central Oklahoma's Southwest Business Symposium last week.
Their research focused on, "Incorporating a Computerized Simulation in Selected Business Courses."
We are thrilled for Dr. Guyot and Dr. Meier! Congratulations on a job well done!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Cluster Textbooks

I've had some people call (and email) to ask about state approved (or required) textbooks for the new Career Pathways. KSDE won't require (or endorse) specific textbooks. However, I know people are interested in some "support" or at least ideas of where to start.
K-State Business Education (Mrs. Darla Stone) and FHSU Business Education (Dr. Wally Guyot and Scott Jones) will embark on a cooperative effort in the Fall to identify POTENTIAL textbooks for courses in each career pathway. We won't necessarily "endorse" a text, but students from both schools will work cooperatively to review and identify/cross-walk competencies from the course profiles and content in selected textbooks.
The information gathered will be made public for educators to use (if they so desire) in helping them identify potential textbooks to use as they adopt new courses to meet Career Pathway implementation.
Updates on the cooperative activity will be provided as we progress. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with K-State.
COBL Ambassadors

Dr. Bannister has been working with the Admissions staff to develop an initiative, named COBL Ambassadors, designed to work with High School Marketing Programs/DECA Chapters.
Thursday night, SGA approved a request for funding. This will support the program next year. One of the primary functions of the program will be to support high school students as they prepare for State and International competition.
This is exciting! As the Dean continues to develop and implement this project, we will provide updates!
It is an exciting time to be in the College of Business & Leadership!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Rucker/Jones Research Presented at NABTE
Dr. Rucker will be presenting research co-authored with Scott Jones at NABTE (National Association of Business Teacher-Educators) in San Diego. The subject is the preparation of Business Teachers for Kansas High Schools. NABTE is highly-selected in their choice of research to be presented at their annual conference. We are excited to have Dr. Rucker represent FHSU Business Education at the NABTE/NBEA Annual Conference.
A copy of the PowerPoint Presentation can be found on the links below and to the right.
A copy of the PowerPoint Presentation can be found on the links below and to the right.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Pathway to Success...
What a wonderful day! Today we had a group of Western Kansas Business Teachers on-campus in the Memorial Union visiting, brainstorming, trouble-shooting, and asking questions about how to implement Career Pathways into their schools. Recognizing many of our schools in Western Kansas are unique in size and configuration, as compared to the rest of the state.
We had a GREAT day! Lively conversation, lots of ideas, and lots of excitement about the possibilities.
We spent the morning in discussions. In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to visit with RJ Dake (IT Education Program Consultant with KSDE) via ITV. RJ provided a great deal of insight and answered a number of questions that we generated throughout the morning. We really appreciate RJ taking time to visit with us and the assistance from KSDE Information Technology folks in getting us connected via ITV during the afternoon.
It was a great day all the way around!
Special Thanks to Dean Mercer (COET), Dean Bannister (COBL), and Casey Kelch (Academic Marketing) for providing a variety of give-away items.
To see a few more pictures, click here.
Monday, March 22, 2010
KBEA - Award Nominations
If you are interested in recognizing outstanding Business Educators, please check out the KBEA email and nomination forms.
Email Announcement
Nomination Form
Email Announcement
Nomination Form
Teacher Career Fair
FHSU's 35th Annual Teacher Career Fair will be held on Monday, April 12th, 2010. It will be held in Gross Memorial Colliseum from 9:00 AM to Noon.
Click here to read full details!
Click here to read full details!
Welcome Back -- Its a Beautiful Day.
Welcome back, hope you had an outstanding Spring Break! Its always nice to see students back on campus, especially after spending the week in the office with no one around!
I hope the remainder of your semester is great! Please let me know if you need anything as you finish the Spring Semester and prepare for the Fall (or Summer) Semester.
I hope the remainder of your semester is great! Please let me know if you need anything as you finish the Spring Semester and prepare for the Fall (or Summer) Semester.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Charley Campbell - VIP Ambassador
Congratulations to BUED major, Charley Campbell for being selected as one of the 2010-2011 VIP Ambassadors for FHSU.
Dr. Weisenborn just shared this news with the faculty. Click here, to read Dr. Weisenborn's announcement.
Congratulations, Charley! We are proud of you!
Dr. Weisenborn just shared this news with the faculty. Click here, to read Dr. Weisenborn's announcement.
Congratulations, Charley! We are proud of you!
Rally at the Statehouse...
Information below is an excerpt from Representative Marti Crow's Daily Email Update...
1,000-plus people are expected to attend an education funding rally in Topeka today. Members of the group Save Our Neighborhood Schools (SONS) are organizing a bus leaving at 10:30 a.m. from the Lawrence High School parking lot, according to the Lawrence Journal World. Advocates estimate 150 to 200 people from the Lawrence area will attend the rally from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday on the east side of the Statehouse. Organizer Christie Slay said she expects people from at least 30 communities to attend. The group has a web site at http://www.saveourneighborhoodschools.com/
Click here to read the full story.
Pictures and coverage from the KC Star. Check it out!
1,000-plus people are expected to attend an education funding rally in Topeka today. Members of the group Save Our Neighborhood Schools (SONS) are organizing a bus leaving at 10:30 a.m. from the Lawrence High School parking lot, according to the Lawrence Journal World. Advocates estimate 150 to 200 people from the Lawrence area will attend the rally from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday on the east side of the Statehouse. Organizer Christie Slay said she expects people from at least 30 communities to attend. The group has a web site at http://www.saveourneighborhoodschools.com/
Click here to read the full story.
Pictures and coverage from the KC Star. Check it out!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Spring Break
FHSU will be on Spring Break this week (3/13/2010 to 3/21/2010). If you need immediate assistance, feel free to call our Departmental Office 785.628.4201 I will be checking email periodically. Be safe, have fun!
Friday, March 12, 2010
KSDE Extended Deadline for Pathway App
KSDE career and technical education is extending the Career Pathway Program of Study Application (CPPSA)- Pathways - deadline to April 1, 2010, for implementation SY 2010-11.
To read the email from Robin's Office, click here.
To read the email from Robin's Office, click here.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tweet -- Tweet -- Tweet

Just added a Twitter account... not exactly sure I will use it a great deal, at least not starting out----anyway, connect with us! "FHSU_BUED" Look forward to tweeting with you!
Spring/Summer Opportunity
Looking for students who are interested in an opportunity to network with other aspiring Business Educators (perhaps even from other schools)!
I'm wanting to put a group of students together that would be willing to take a look at the Competency Profiles developed for Business classes in the Kansas Career Pathway initiative and do a little analysis/evaluation/cross-walk to help identify textbooks that would support the adopted "curriculum".
If you are interested, let me know! This could be a fun activity and great way to meet other Business Ed majors from across the state!!
I'm wanting to put a group of students together that would be willing to take a look at the Competency Profiles developed for Business classes in the Kansas Career Pathway initiative and do a little analysis/evaluation/cross-walk to help identify textbooks that would support the adopted "curriculum".
If you are interested, let me know! This could be a fun activity and great way to meet other Business Ed majors from across the state!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
GREAT News from Dean Mercer (COET)

"It is my pleasure to announce the preliminary feedback from the onsite accreditation (KSDE/NCATE) team. FHSU has passed all six standards with flying colors! Further, the team determined that "target" (the highest rating) has been met on five different elements across three standards..."
To read the entire announcement, click here.
Special Thanks to Dr. Weisenborn

A quick note of appreciation to Dr. Greg Weisenborn. In August, 2009 Dr. Weisenborn became the Interim Chair of the Management & Marketing Department at FHSU. Dr. Weisenborn has been an advocate for Business/Marketing Education and recently took the weekend to help as a judge at the Kansas DECA Career Development Conference. We appreciate Dr. Weisenborn's interest and support in our program!! Thank you, GW!
FHSU and ESU Alumni Win Door Prize!
Dr. Jim Gleason of MBA Research (aka--Mark-Ed) provided two, $100 gift certificates for classroom resources as a door prize for the DECA Career Development Conference.
Shaina Prough (Hays High School and a FHSU Alum) and Dustin Meyer (Lansing High School and a ESU Alum) are the winners!
We will probably be checking back to see what they purchased!
Special Thanks for Jim Gleason and MBA Research!
(If you haven't used Mark-Ed/MBA Research materials in the past, I highly suggest you check them out!!)
DECA - Recruiting Table
Special Thanks to COBL students (Jessica Tormey, Tyler Thompson, Robyn Sellard, and Byron Hummon) for handling recruiting activities earlier this week at the Kansas DECA Career Development Conference.
I had several advisers comment on what nice students we have at FHSU.
Outstanding job!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
NCATE Reminder
Just a reminder that the College of Education and Technology will be under "review" for their annual accreditation visit next week.
It is always nice to have students put their best foot forward during the on-site review. Having said that, I must follow-up by saying, "Be Honest!" If we are doing things well, let it be known. If there is something we can improve on, that needs to be identified as well.
Have a great week!
It is always nice to have students put their best foot forward during the on-site review. Having said that, I must follow-up by saying, "Be Honest!" If we are doing things well, let it be known. If there is something we can improve on, that needs to be identified as well.
Have a great week!
KSDE Webinar - 3/3/10
If you participated in the KSDE Webinar regarding the Business Administration/Management pathway, Thank you!
Some great questions and I hope inspiring some good local conversations.
Some great questions and I hope inspiring some good local conversations.
Pathway Meeting - March 25, 2010
A group of Business/Computer Teachers who will be transitioning from VE-2 Programs to Career Pathways will be meeting on campus at Fort Hays State University to discuss challenges, obstacles, and opportunities.
We will meet at 9 a.m. in Memorial Union and will adjourn around 4 p.m. R.J. Dake will be available via Webstream to answer questions in the afternoon.
If you want to attend, contact Scott Jones at sjones@fhsu.edu or Jennifer Wahrman at jwahrman.usd269@ruraltel.net
We will meet at 9 a.m. in Memorial Union and will adjourn around 4 p.m. R.J. Dake will be available via Webstream to answer questions in the afternoon.
If you want to attend, contact Scott Jones at sjones@fhsu.edu or Jennifer Wahrman at jwahrman.usd269@ruraltel.net
Monday, March 1, 2010
New Feature to the Blog
Upon some reflection, I've decided to add a "new" feature. One of the things I wanted to highlight with the blog was Student-Teachers. When I first post a student-teacher, it works GREAT, but then as more thoughts and news get added, student teacher info gets pushed down.
NOW, I have solution! (Notice above Victor E. Tiger, we have a Navigation section.) Student-teachers, as well as Alumni, now have their own section!
I'd like to hear from Alumni, send me a picture, and a take a few minutes to fill out the form (located on the Alumni page) to fill us in on what you are doing. Your update will be added to the blog!
Can't wait to hear from you!
NOW, I have solution! (Notice above Victor E. Tiger, we have a Navigation section.) Student-teachers, as well as Alumni, now have their own section!
I'd like to hear from Alumni, send me a picture, and a take a few minutes to fill out the form (located on the Alumni page) to fill us in on what you are doing. Your update will be added to the blog!
Can't wait to hear from you!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
KBOA - Summer Conference and MORE
On Tuesday, I met with Nick Wenger (Field Kindley High School - Coffeyville) and Chris Holborn (Junction City High School - Geary County USD) regarding KBOA (Kansas Business Occupations Association) and outreach opportunities for students working toward a degree in Business Teacher-Education.
I'm REALLY excited about some of the things we discussed. Stay tuned, more will be announced soon!
I'm REALLY excited about some of the things we discussed. Stay tuned, more will be announced soon!
Friday, February 26, 2010
On-Campus Help Needed!!!
If you are an on-campus Business Ed major, I need some help.
Each year we screen the written research events for Kansas DECA, prior to them being judged at competition.
I need your assistance to get this task complete. The ADVANTAGE for you? Pretty simple, rather than starting as a new teacher and having NO IDEA what DECA is all about or what a written event looks like, you will have some first hand experience in reviewing them. ALSO, you may gain some great ideas to implement when you start teaching.
Please consider helping me out. Use the Google Docs link attached, you can find a slot (or add one) and volunteer today! (I need help on Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday next week, we will be working in McCartney Hall, on campus.)
Link: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ArM9dHW4v9HNdFBVMUZicFNoX25GcjVJWm9MQml2QVE&hl=en
Each year we screen the written research events for Kansas DECA, prior to them being judged at competition.
I need your assistance to get this task complete. The ADVANTAGE for you? Pretty simple, rather than starting as a new teacher and having NO IDEA what DECA is all about or what a written event looks like, you will have some first hand experience in reviewing them. ALSO, you may gain some great ideas to implement when you start teaching.
Please consider helping me out. Use the Google Docs link attached, you can find a slot (or add one) and volunteer today! (I need help on Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday next week, we will be working in McCartney Hall, on campus.)
Link: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0ArM9dHW4v9HNdFBVMUZicFNoX25GcjVJWm9MQml2QVE&hl=en
Thought for the Day
I received the message below from a ListServ out of Missouri for Business & Marketing teachers. Interesting!
What do you think? Do you agree? What is better--compliance or initiative?
From Seth Godin’s blog:
It's easier to teach compliance than initiative
Compliance is simple to measure, simple to test for and simple to teach. Punish non-compliance, reward obedience and repeat.
Initiative is very difficult to teach to 28 students in a quiet classroom. It's difficult to brag about in a school board meeting. And it's a huge pain in the neck to do reliably.
Schools like teaching compliance. They're pretty good at it.
To top it off, until recently the customers of a school or training program (the companies that hire workers) were buying compliance by the bushel. Initiative was a red flag, not an asset.
Of course, now that's all changed. The economy has rewritten the rules, and smart organizations seek out intelligent problem solvers. Everything is different now. Except the part about how much easier it is to teach compliance.
What do you think? Do you agree? What is better--compliance or initiative?
Lawrence Free State (Lip Dup)
I just had an email from Clayton Evans (student teacher at Lawrence Free State) this is a followup to an earlier post (check below) regarding a cool video production!
Thanks to Clayton for sending it in!
Well Lawrence Free State completed their own Lip Dub video. You can find it on YouTube by typing in "Lawrence Free State Lip Dub" or by going to the Lawrence Free State High School website (http://fshs.usd497.org/).
Thanks to Clayton for sending it in!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
GREAT podcast on Technology!!
I found a great podcast that is produced by a couple of principals. Their primary focus is administration, HOWEVER, they are sort of techie-geeks, they spend more time than anything talking about various technology (hadware, software, etc.) that they use or that their teachers are using.
You will enjoy the podcasts and might enjoy hearing from the administrative side of education!
The website is: practicalprincipals.net
You can subscribe and get automatic updates by connecting with them on iTunes.
This is an outstanding resource.
You will enjoy the podcasts and might enjoy hearing from the administrative side of education!
The website is: practicalprincipals.net
You can subscribe and get automatic updates by connecting with them on iTunes.
This is an outstanding resource.
Jordan Kroeger

Jordan Kroeger is a Senior majoring in Business Education. He was born and raised in Ellis, KS, but now lives in Wichita, KS where he is student-teaching at Andover High School.
Jordan completed his Bachelor of Business Administration degree in May 2009 and will complete his Bachelor of Science in Business Education degree in May 2010. Jordan was employed at Enterprise Rent-a-Car while attending FHSU. He left this position after 2+ years to complete his student teaching. Jordan is comfortable knowing he has a business background, but would rather be in the education field and someday possibly be in education administration.
Jordan enjoys the Wichita Area, but is always open to other avenues. And if you can't find him on a nice Spring afternoon, you could expect to see him at a baseball game or on the golf course. He likes to be outside when the weather is nice, but is perfectly comfortable spending a day inside playing games and catching up with friends or just reading a book.
Please contact Jordan via e-mail at jordan_kroeger@hotmail.com if you have any questions! Check out Jordan's resume.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Cool H.S. Video
This if from Clayton, looks pretty cool to me, check it out!
"This is the link to the website I was telling you yesterday. A HS made this in one shot! Free State is doing a similar act on Thursday. We'll see how it goes...
This link should work, but it is also called "Shorewood Lip Dub" "
Monday, February 15, 2010
Kansas Business Teacher Educators Meeting
Not that this has a major impact on any of you... but Dr. Guyot and I met with Darla Stone (K-State), Nancy Hite (Emporia), and Barbara Railsback (Emporia) on Friday in Topeka at KSDE.
Everyone seems to be facing the same sort of issues. It "sounds like" FHSU has the largest graduating class this semester---although, I think all of us are a little leery of telling exactly how many of our students will be graduating and looking for jobs. (We all want to protect our graduates.)
My point is, we aren't looking a HUGE number of new graduates out there seeking Business Ed vacancies, so that is good for you if you are beginning the job search!
Everyone seems to be facing the same sort of issues. It "sounds like" FHSU has the largest graduating class this semester---although, I think all of us are a little leery of telling exactly how many of our students will be graduating and looking for jobs. (We all want to protect our graduates.)
My point is, we aren't looking a HUGE number of new graduates out there seeking Business Ed vacancies, so that is good for you if you are beginning the job search!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Business Admin (Kansas Pathway Development)
The Business Administration Pathway will be developed over the Spring and Summer. Robin Harris (KSDE) and I will be conducting a "kick-off" via the ListServ. We will describe the timeline and process. March 3 at 9:30 a.m. and again at 3:30 p.m. (Same discussion.) Please join us for the kickoff!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
MUST Watch and Read!
I have had an interesting couple of days. I'm attaching a couple of links for you to preview, both are VERY worthwhile.
The first is a show that aired on Smoky Hill Public Television. "Digital Nation" An OUTSTANDING documentary about technology in our society--it discusses business/industry and well as education. If this doesn't generate ideas for you, then you aren't very creative. :) (That was intended to be somewhat funny!)
Link to PBS/Frontline Special on Digital Nation
The second is a print article from the Springfield News-Leader (Springfield MO). This is an article about how a girl used Facebook to recognize a senior citizen who was a greeter at Wal-Mart. (A neat and SHORT story.)
Link to Springfield News-Leader
The first is a show that aired on Smoky Hill Public Television. "Digital Nation" An OUTSTANDING documentary about technology in our society--it discusses business/industry and well as education. If this doesn't generate ideas for you, then you aren't very creative. :) (That was intended to be somewhat funny!)
Link to PBS/Frontline Special on Digital Nation
The second is a print article from the Springfield News-Leader (Springfield MO). This is an article about how a girl used Facebook to recognize a senior citizen who was a greeter at Wal-Mart. (A neat and SHORT story.)
Link to Springfield News-Leader
Friday, February 5, 2010
JD Johnson

While attending FHSU, JD has been part of the FHSU Intramurals and Recreation Commission. Through these activities, they helped with numerous campus and community events including: Haunted Campus Tour, Campus Easter Egg Hunt, and Mudfest. JD has also lifeguarded, officiated intramural games, and supervised events for the IM-Rec. He is also a registered official under KSHSAA and officiates high school football and basketball throughout the community and area.
JD is student teaching at Hays High with Jeanie Michaelis and Suzie Stark (both FHSU BUED Alumni).
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
2008 BUED Grad Awarded Crystal Apple

Danielle Odle a 2008 BUED Graduate from Fort Hays State University. Danielle is originally from Colorado, while finishing her degree at FHSU, she student taught at Hays High.
Special Thanks for Suzie Stark (Hays High) for letting me know about this great award! Link to the News Article.
Sandy Rupp - Professor Emeritus

Sandy Rupp retired in 2008, when the AIS Department was dissolved. She was an Assistant Professor of Business Education and Business Communication---specifically, she was responsible for advising and coordinating the Office Technology Program.
Sandy has been recognized as a Professor Emeritus. This is a huge honor! Retiring faculty must meet specific criteria in order to be recognized as Emeritus faculty. We are very proud of the years of dedication Mrs. Rupp gave to our area.
By the way, Sandy is doing well and enjoying every day of her retirement. Sandy can be reached at srupp@fhsu.edu
Congratulations, Sandy!!
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance, please feel free to contact me (office visit - 105-C McCartney, Phone call 785.628.4040, Skype: fhsu.bued Email: sjones@fhsu.edu)
Most of the time I am in the office, when I am not in class. Here are the hours I try to make sure I am around. (Please understand that out of town meetings and on-campus activities do sometimes alter my availability.)
Monday and Wednesday (9:30 - 10:30 and 2:30 to 4:30)
Tuesday and Thursday (9:30 - 11:30)
Fridays and Other times by Appointment
Most of the time I am in the office, when I am not in class. Here are the hours I try to make sure I am around. (Please understand that out of town meetings and on-campus activities do sometimes alter my availability.)
Monday and Wednesday (9:30 - 10:30 and 2:30 to 4:30)
Tuesday and Thursday (9:30 - 11:30)
Fridays and Other times by Appointment
Student Teacher Updates...
As student teachers get information to me (pictures, resumes, bios) I'll be adding those to the blog. (Hint---get them to me, if this applies to you!)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Student Teacher Docs
I've added documents for Student Teachers. These documents are located directly above the Faculty pictures on bottom right side. This includes schedule, student teacher handbook, and the conceptual framework.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Clayton Evans

Check Out Clayton's Resume
National News - Oakley Kansas
Take a minute to check out this link. The story is about an Entrepreneurship class in Oakley Kansas.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
FREE Opportunity - Coming Soon
Spread the word that CTE teachers and administrators are invited to attend a FREE online virtual conference sponsored by McGraw-Hill School Education Group in February.
The 21st Century Workforce:
Teaching and Learning in the Digital World
Thursday, February 11, 2010
11:00AM - 7:00PM (EST)
The following links will assist you in learning more about this event:
Click here to register now!
About the event
The 21st Century Workforce:
Teaching and Learning in the Digital World
Thursday, February 11, 2010
11:00AM - 7:00PM (EST)
The following links will assist you in learning more about this event:
Click here to register now!
About the event
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Win $10,000....
Wichita State University is hosting an Entrepreneurship Business Plan competition this Spring. THE winner gets $10,000 there are also prizes for second and third places.
I'm attaching the flyer. If you are interested, let me know, I think we have folks around the COBL that would help you!!
Link to WSU Entre Handout
I'm attaching the flyer. If you are interested, let me know, I think we have folks around the COBL that would help you!!
Link to WSU Entre Handout
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mock Interview Day
Please encourage your students to sign up. We still have a large number of time slots available.
TEACHER MOCK INTERVIEW DAY – Friday, February 5, 2010
Teacher Mock Interview Day, an annual event sponsored by Career Services, allows ALL education majors the opportunity to practice their interviewing skills. A variety of school districts will be conducting these mock interviews, which provide great networking opportunities! The interviews will assess strengths and weaknesses, and provide a valuable learning experience.
Students may sign-up for a teacher mock interview through their Careers for Tigers account or by contacting Career Services at 628-4260. All junior and senior education majors are encouraged to sign-up!
**For non-education majors, there will be a Mock Interview Day on Tuesday, February 23, 2010.**
TEACHER MOCK INTERVIEW DAY – Friday, February 5, 2010
Teacher Mock Interview Day, an annual event sponsored by Career Services, allows ALL education majors the opportunity to practice their interviewing skills. A variety of school districts will be conducting these mock interviews, which provide great networking opportunities! The interviews will assess strengths and weaknesses, and provide a valuable learning experience.
Students may sign-up for a teacher mock interview through their Careers for Tigers account or by contacting Career Services at 628-4260. All junior and senior education majors are encouraged to sign-up!
**For non-education majors, there will be a Mock Interview Day on Tuesday, February 23, 2010.**
Monday, January 25, 2010
Chapman USD (between Abilene and Junction City)
I just noticed, Chapman USD has a business ed position posted. It might be worth checking out!!
Get the Latest News - LIVE
Use the links to the right. Utilizing LiveStream (already linked for you) you can access Live Broadcasts from either FHSU Business Ed faculty AND/OR KSDE/CTE Broadcasts.
Miss a Broadcast? Don't worry, just jump into LiveStream and you can watch recorded/archived broadcasts.
Miss a Broadcast? Don't worry, just jump into LiveStream and you can watch recorded/archived broadcasts.
Delayed Good News...
In early November, The College of Education and Technology and the business education faculty received official notification from the Kansas Department of Education that the Business Education Program has been fully approved without any areas for improvement. This approval is for seven years.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Student Teacher Info
Student Teachers...
Reminder. I need your Student Teacher Information Sheets, Picture at School, Resume, and Biography. You don't have to send them altogether.
Let us know if you need anything.
Reminder. I need your Student Teacher Information Sheets, Picture at School, Resume, and Biography. You don't have to send them altogether.
Let us know if you need anything.
Spring 2010 Business Contests
Due to the current economic conditions (including stability of school budgets), we have canceled the 2010 Spring High School Business Contests.
We hope to resume High School Business Contests in the future.
We hope to resume High School Business Contests in the future.
Summer Opportunity!!!
Check your calendars.
August 1-4, 2010 - Overland Park, KS
I am working on an opportunity that should be mutually beneficial. Basically, what I am wanting to do is setup a chance for you guys (students) to gain some professional development and networking experiences. KBOA (Kansas Business Occupations Association) needs some assistance (in my opinion) during their annual conference.
IF I can work something out so that registration is FREE (you would be responsible for housing and some food) would you be interested?
Please touch base with me, let me know if you are interested!!
August 1-4, 2010 - Overland Park, KS
I am working on an opportunity that should be mutually beneficial. Basically, what I am wanting to do is setup a chance for you guys (students) to gain some professional development and networking experiences. KBOA (Kansas Business Occupations Association) needs some assistance (in my opinion) during their annual conference.
IF I can work something out so that registration is FREE (you would be responsible for housing and some food) would you be interested?
Please touch base with me, let me know if you are interested!!
Advising & Degree Summaries
Just a reminder... PLEASE make sure you are requesting a Degree Summary from the Registrar's Office. We need to be double-checking to make sure you are progressing along in the program.
ALSO, if you need to make schedule changes for any reason, please see your advisor As Soon As Possible!
ALSO, if you need to make schedule changes for any reason, please see your advisor As Soon As Possible!
Monday, January 18, 2010
H.S. Position Just Posted!
Gary Mattingly, the Athletic Director at Lansing High School (Northeast Kansas) just called me. They are looking for a Business teacher who could start immediately. I've known Gary for a number of years, I would feel confident encouraging you to consider a position in a school he is an administrator--he is a good guy, honest, and supportive.
If you are interested, check out the KEEB and call Lansing High School (913.727.3357) and talk to Mr. Steve Dike (Principal).
If you are interested, check out the KEEB and call Lansing High School (913.727.3357) and talk to Mr. Steve Dike (Principal).
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Job Search
If you are starting the job search process, don't forget to contact Career Services to establish a Credentials File.
And, a quick reminder that the Kansas Department of Education maintains the KEEB (Kansas Educational Employment Board) which can be found at www.kansasteachingjobs.com
Let us know if we can help you!
And, a quick reminder that the Kansas Department of Education maintains the KEEB (Kansas Educational Employment Board) which can be found at www.kansasteachingjobs.com
Let us know if we can help you!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Take Time to Get Connected!
I know that many of you take time to connect through Facebook and/or MySpace. That is GREAT for Social Networking. PLEASE consider taking time to connect through LinkedIn which is designed for Professional Networking! Link to LinkedIn
Professional Development Opportunity!
If you are interested in a unique professional development opportunity - check out the Kansas Regents / KSDE / Workforce Development February Conference in Wichita. This conference focuses on Career Readiness. Conference Handout
Spring Student Teachers
Don't forget your peers who have started student-teaching!
Erica - TMP/Marian
Clayton - Lawrence Free State
Jordan - Andover
JD - Hays High
Erica - TMP/Marian
Clayton - Lawrence Free State
Jordan - Andover
JD - Hays High
2010 Will Be a GREAT Year!
The first 3 days of the semester are over. We are off to a great semester and a wonderful New Year in Business Education at Fort Hays State University!
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