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Friday, August 31, 2012

KBEA: A Vote for the Future

The 2012 Annual KBEA convention has been planned and you are invited to attend October 11 & 12 in Wichita, KS. Registration opens online Sept. 1 and continues until October 7, so please log on to and see the convention flyer posted as a link from the homepage and register. You will see the titles of all the interactive sessions that are offered on Thursday and the breakout sessions scheduled for Friday. More details of each session will be posted soon, so check back if you can’t decide which interactive session is right for you.

College credit is again being offered for attendance to the convention from a few institutions. More information will be in the convention program and the Fall KBT (Kansas Business Teacher) newsletter ready to be published. Don’t miss this professional opportunity of growth to enhance your skills and knowledge in the business or computer classroom. We would love to see you!

KBEA Share An Idea

Teachers, the deadline for the KBEA Share-an-Idea contest has been extended to September 15, 2012.  Please submit your innovative lessons to Jennifer Wahrman,wahrmans@jenniferstudios.netby the deadline extension in either Word or PDF format, including all supporting documents. 

The Share-An-Idea contest is intended to promote the use and sharing of innovative teaching ideas in the classroom. Any KBEA member with a special teaching idea (handouts or unique assignments or class work) that seems to really motivate students or helps establish a firm understanding of a particular concept is encouraged to submit in typewritten form their teaching idea. Handouts and diagrams may also be submitted with the teaching idea.

Cash awards will be presented to the state winners at the annual convention of KBEA. The cash awards are as follows: First, $75; Second, $50; Third, $25.  What a great way to earn some extra spending cash!  All entries submitted will be compiled and made available at the annual convention of KBEA.

Hope you're having a great start to your school year!  See you at the convention in October!

Jennifer Wahrman

This information from our friends at MBA Research.

Don't miss these opportunities to expand your skill sets and strengthen the positioning of your local programs. All webinars are free, but you do need to register in advance. Complete details and registration information are here.
I am a big fan of Jim Gleason and the work he does with MBA Research!  Check out this opportunity!

This link will take you to the document he sent out.