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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2012 Drive-In Conferences

Don’t Delay – Register for Drive-in Workshop 2012 – TODAY!
This email message is being sent as a reminder to the upcoming 2012 CTE Drive-In Workshops.
Registration is now open and a list of topics and their descriptions are listed below as well as the registration website, . It is highly encouraged that those interested in learning about the 2013 CTE initiatives register as soon as possible.
We look forward to working with you over the next year and beyond to ensure that we continue to provide CTE opportunities for Kansas students.
CTE Drive-In Agenda Topics
Common Technical Core -- The National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education has recently supported the creation of the Common Career Technical Core (CCTC), a set of common, program-level standards for CTE that are fewer, higher and clearer. Learn about these changes and how to apply to your pathways.
Pathways: CCPSA and Student Data Management — This session will cover the basics of pathway approval as well as the necessary requirements for data collection and reporting in CTE.
Rigorous Programs of Study — Lessons learned by schools, tips for all teachers, and how ten little frameworks can guide you to making CTE pathways essential to district as participants discovered. You will have the opportunity to hear what teachers like you learned and accomplished in their schools and how you might be able to do the same.
21st Century Partnership — Partnerships with business/industry, postsecondary institutions, and the local community are essential to the success of every career pathway. A panel of regional experts will discuss innovative ways to utilize these partnerships for maximum benefits to your students.
Embracing K12 CTE — CTE can have a stronger connection to career and college ready students when the connection starts in Kindergarten. Learn to link CTE careers and pathways to academic and CTE instruction across all grade levels.
Cluster Updates — KSDE CTE Consultants will be available to provide current information relevant to their specific pathways. Current information will include questions & answers about the new legislation, pathway changes and recommendations; and future pathway revision schedules.
CTE Administrators — If you are an administrator and/or the CTE coordinator for your district, this session is for you. We will discuss current and future issues in CTE. Please bring your burning questions to this session and we’ll work to find answers for you!
End of Pathway Assessments —This session will be an overview of the end of pathway assessment process and will include who is involved. Some sample items will be provided.
New to CTE — What am I getting into? What reporting is required? Who do I call if I need help? All these questions and more will be answered by KSDE program consultants
Dates and locations for the Drive-In Workshops:
Sept. 18 – Garden City
Oct. 4 – Wichita
Oct. 9 – Olathe
Oct. 24 – Salina

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Calling all teachers! Registration is now open for the 4th annual Jump$tart National Educator Conference, November 2-4, 2012, at the JW Marriott Chicago.
Discover new tools and techniques for teaching personal finance. Improve your own financial literacy. Network with fellow educators and the financial literacy community. Earn 15 Professional Development Hours.
$395.00 Registration Fee includes two nights' hotel accommodations, conference meals and more. Travel is at your own expense. Space is limited.
For more information, go to:
or and click on "Registration" which is the first bullet under "Announcements" on Jump$tart's home page. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

KBEA: A Vote for the Future

The 2012 Annual KBEA convention has been planned and you are invited to attend October 11 & 12 in Wichita, KS. Registration opens online Sept. 1 and continues until October 7, so please log on to and see the convention flyer posted as a link from the homepage and register. You will see the titles of all the interactive sessions that are offered on Thursday and the breakout sessions scheduled for Friday. More details of each session will be posted soon, so check back if you can’t decide which interactive session is right for you.

College credit is again being offered for attendance to the convention from a few institutions. More information will be in the convention program and the Fall KBT (Kansas Business Teacher) newsletter ready to be published. Don’t miss this professional opportunity of growth to enhance your skills and knowledge in the business or computer classroom. We would love to see you!

KBEA Share An Idea

Teachers, the deadline for the KBEA Share-an-Idea contest has been extended to September 15, 2012.  Please submit your innovative lessons to Jennifer Wahrman,wahrmans@jenniferstudios.netby the deadline extension in either Word or PDF format, including all supporting documents. 

The Share-An-Idea contest is intended to promote the use and sharing of innovative teaching ideas in the classroom. Any KBEA member with a special teaching idea (handouts or unique assignments or class work) that seems to really motivate students or helps establish a firm understanding of a particular concept is encouraged to submit in typewritten form their teaching idea. Handouts and diagrams may also be submitted with the teaching idea.

Cash awards will be presented to the state winners at the annual convention of KBEA. The cash awards are as follows: First, $75; Second, $50; Third, $25.  What a great way to earn some extra spending cash!  All entries submitted will be compiled and made available at the annual convention of KBEA.

Hope you're having a great start to your school year!  See you at the convention in October!

Jennifer Wahrman

This information from our friends at MBA Research.

Don't miss these opportunities to expand your skill sets and strengthen the positioning of your local programs. All webinars are free, but you do need to register in advance. Complete details and registration information are here.
I am a big fan of Jim Gleason and the work he does with MBA Research!  Check out this opportunity!

This link will take you to the document he sent out. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

KSDE Upcoming Events

The Career, Standards & Assessment Services team’s ITV General Update is scheduled for April 19, 2012, from 2:00-4:00 pm. For an agenda please visit . This ITV will be broadcast using our LiveMedia site just as with the KSBOE meetings. The web address is , and the instructions are on the left side of the page.

The next LiveMeeting addressing the Kansas Common Core Standards is scheduled for April 19, 2012 at 4:00 pm. The Topic for this session is Common Core Standards and its impact on Higher Education. The information to participate in a Kansas Common Core Standards Updates LiveMeeting is located . If you have any questions, please contact Jeannette Nobo at 785-296-2078 or

2005 BUED Alumni - Named Wichita East Basketball Coach

Joe Jackson(BS 2005 BUED) was recently named the new Head Basketball Coach at Wichita High School East. After graduating from FHSU, Joe took a job teaching Business in Hill City (KS), prior to joining the faculty at East. Congratulations, Joe!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

GREAT Job....

Just received an email from Brian McFall. Auburn-Washburn School District (Southern tip of Topeka) has a "anticipated" opening for a Business Teacher. AMAZING opportunity! If I was thinking about going back to the K-12 classroom, I would be applying!! If you are interested, I HIGHLY encourage you to check this one out!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

KBEA Scholarship

The Kansas Business Education Association is offering two $300 scholarships to junior or senior undergraduate business education students or a graduate student in a business related field. To find out more, please use this link.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Just started this semester, we are implementing the use of Careerpipeline for career planning and electronic portfolio management.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Financial Literacy

This was taken from the KNEA Under the Dome email blast...

House Bill 2645 which would make a one-semester course a graduation requirement for Kansas high school students had a hearing in the House Education Budget Committee this evening.

You might be thinking, “Déjà vu?” Well, yes. The same bill had a hearing in the House Education Committee earlier this session but that committee decided to take a pass on it. Somehow it ended up being referred to the House Education Budget Committee.

KNEA appeared as an opponent to financial literacy as a stand-alone class required for high school graduation. Currently the state requires financial literacy standards developed by the State Board of Education to be embedded in math and social science classes and tested on the state assessments.

State Board of Education member Walt Chappell (speaking as an individual and not for the board) appeared as a proponent as did State Representative Joe Scapa (R-Wichita). KNEA and KASB appeared as opponents.

No action was taken on the bill.

Click here to read KNEA testimony on HB 2645.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Teacher Leader Assessment Pilot

The deadline for applying to participate in the Teacher Leader assessment pilot is Wednesday, February 1. Please check the eligibility and other requirements listed on if you (or someone you know) would like to participate. Questions may be directed to Lynn Bechtel,

Update on the Future of Perkins

The following is from Karmey Olson, EPC-Health Sciences at KSDE.

There have many conversations over the last few weeks in regards to Career and Technical Education (CTE) at local, state, and federal levels. This last week I had the pleasure of sitting in a room with Kim Green, Executive Director, National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc). She shared several interesting points about the current state and future of the Perkins legislation. A blueprint is to be available the end of February.

Link to full document.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Teacher Mock Interview Day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Practice your interviewing skills by participating in Career Services’ annual Teacher Mock Interview Day! A variety of school districts will be conducting these mock interviews, which provide great networking opportunities! Participate in a mock interview for great experience and gain valuable feedback on your strengths and weaknesses.

You may sign-up for a teacher mock interview through your Careers for Tigers account or by contacting Career Services at 628-4260. All junior and senior education majors are encouraged to sign-up!

KSTL Student Competition


The purpose of this competition is to allow students in Kansas schools an opportunity to showcase their work and to provide a venue to recognize their efforts and achievements.

Click here for more information!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Governor's Summit on Career Readiness

The Summit has been closed. I did receive an email from Kearney and Associates, it sounds like the Governors Office will be providing a web-based broadcast (audio) from the Summit.

Here is the link:

Teacher Leader Endorsement

Because of the positive response received and the busyness of the Holiday season, the deadline for applying to participate in the Teacher Leader assessment pilot was extended to February 1, 2012.

We have also modified the date a graduate degree must have been earned to more closely align with Teacher Leader master’s degree program processes. Now, candidates are eligible to participate if the graduate degree has been earned or will be earned by Summer, 2012. Please check the eligibility and other requirements listed on if you (or someone you know) would like to participate. Intent to participate forms should now be submitted by 2/1/12.

Forms received after that date will be accepted if there is space availability. Questions may be directed to Lynn Bechtel,

(Emailed to me by KSDE)


This is from an October, 2011 email regarding the Federal Jobs Acts. For whatever reason, we had a delay in the email system and just received the email.

Alexandria, VA – As Congress considers how best to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, known as No Child Left Behind, Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) have partnered to introduce important legislation to help more students become college and career ready.

Link to entire email.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

NBEA Membership Opportunity

The National Business Education Association is recruiting student members. NBEA provides organizes an annual national conference in a different city each year. The national conference is typically a very nice event.

In addition, NBEA distributes publications that include information that is often helpful for a practicing teacher.

Use this link to view the email I received from NBEA with all of their talking points that I am suppose to be using.

Use this link to view the Student Membership Letter.

Use this link to view the Student Membership Form.

If you have questions, please let me know.

Brownback Announces Plan to Improve CTE

Career and Technical educators and stakeholders joined Kansas Governor Sam Brownback today for the announcement of his plan to boost the percentage of students who are career and college ready upon high school graduation. The plan, which proposes improvements to career and technical education (CTE) programs, is part of Governor Brownback's Road Map for Kansas commitments to excel in education.

To read more, click here to see entire Press Release from K-ACTE.

Free Stuff?

This could be nothing? But here is a link I received for free Financial Literacy "stuff" This came from Michael Collins at Film Ideas.

Here is a on-line digital resource that could help enrich the ability for teachers to be more successful with their students. Instant access!

Take a look!
Here is access for a free trial. To access:
Select: Free Trial
Select: Financial Literacy
Select: Instant Access

February is CTE Month!

Celebrate CTE Month in February!!

This year’s theme is CTE: Careers Through Education. Celebrating CTE Month provides CTE Instructors and students of CTE programs/pathways across the country and out your own back door an opportunity to demonstrate how CTE educates students to be college- and career- ready and prepares them for high-wage, high-demand career fields.

To read more about this, use the link below.

Link to entire press release.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back and Happy 2012!

I haven't been blogging a lot lately, but am recently re-inspired and will be trying to add stuff----I just hope people are checking the site!

Sound off----tell us why you are glad to be back and what you are looking forward to this semester!