Don’t Delay – Register for
Drive-in Workshop 2012 – TODAY!
This email message is being sent as
a reminder to the upcoming 2012
CTE Drive-In Workshops.
Registration is now open and a list
of topics and their descriptions are listed below as well as the registration
website, .
It is highly encouraged that those interested in learning about the 2013 CTE
initiatives register as soon as possible.
We look forward to working with you
over the next year and beyond to ensure that we continue to provide CTE
opportunities for Kansas students.
CTE Drive-In Agenda Topics
Common Technical Core -- The National
Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education has recently
supported the creation of the Common Career Technical Core (CCTC), a set
of common, program-level standards for CTE that are fewer, higher and clearer.
Learn about these changes and how to apply to your pathways.
Pathways: CCPSA and Student Data Management —
This session will cover the basics of pathway approval as well as the necessary
requirements for data collection and reporting in CTE.
Rigorous Programs of Study — Lessons learned
by schools, tips for all teachers, and how ten little frameworks can guide you
to making CTE pathways essential to district as participants discovered. You
will have the opportunity to hear what teachers like you learned and
accomplished in their schools and how you might be able to do the same.
Century Partnership — Partnerships with business/industry, postsecondary
institutions, and the local community are essential to the success of every
career pathway. A panel of regional experts will discuss innovative ways to
utilize these partnerships for maximum benefits to your students.
Embracing K12 CTE — CTE can have a stronger
connection to career and college ready students when the connection starts in
Kindergarten. Learn to link CTE careers and pathways to academic and CTE
instruction across all grade levels.
Cluster Updates — KSDE CTE Consultants will be
available to provide current information relevant to their specific pathways.
Current information will include questions & answers about the new
legislation, pathway changes and recommendations; and future pathway revision
CTE Administrators — If you are an
administrator and/or the CTE coordinator for your district, this session is for
you. We will discuss current and future issues in CTE. Please bring your
burning questions to this session and we’ll work to find answers for
of Pathway Assessments —This session will be an overview of the end of
pathway assessment process and will include who is involved. Some sample items
will be provided.
New to
CTE — What am I getting into? What reporting is
required? Who do I call if I need help? All these questions and more will be
answered by KSDE program consultants
Dates and locations for the
Drive-In Workshops:
Sept. 18 – Garden City
Oct. 4 – Wichita
Oct. 9 – Olathe
Oct. 24 – Salina