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Friday, January 28, 2011

From KSDE Regarding WorkReady....

Important information for those participating in the WorkReady! Certificate project (Kansas Career & Technical Education Industry-Recognized Certifications and Credentials Project), for students:

KSDE and the Department of Commerce are working together to provide you and your students the best experience for this important project.  It is our recommendation that the Department of Commerce Regional Operations Managers (ROM) administer and proctor the ACT WorkKeys assessments for students to earn the Kansas WorkReady! Certificate.
It is critical that each school district and ROM mutually agree when and how the assessments are scheduled.
The timeline for this project is the following:
. January - March, 2011 - Assessment of ACT WorkKeys & Registration in KansasWorks
. April - May, 2011 - Score data to Commerce Regional Managers (ROM); Award Kansas WorkReady! Certificates
. Consider a ceremony for certificate holders to include students, parents, HS teacher/administrators, community leaders, local Chamber representatives

Resources related to this project are posted at: For the entire range of certifications and credentials (ie. Kansas WorkReady! and others) through this project, please review the "10-11 CTE Certifications & Credentials" document.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Robin Harris, KSDE, at


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Competitive Reserve Funds Grant application - Now Available

The Competitive Reserve Funds Grant application is now available at:, under the sub-heading Rigorous Programs of Study.

The KSDE project goal for the Reserve Competitive Funds is for districts to design and implement a Rigorous Program of Study in at least one cluster/pathway using emerging technologies, for use as a state-wide model.  Each proposed RPOS will follow the Program of Study Design Framework  ten (ten) components.  The framework and  components are located at: 

There are two documents available for your use:  Application for Reserve Competitive Funds and Project Abstract.  Application for Reserve Competitive Funds provides a description of the project and the requirements for completing the final application.  Each interested applicant must complete a Project Abstract to be considered for participation in the Reserve Competitive Funds Rigorous Program of Study Project.  A Reserve Competitive Funds ITV Workshop has been scheduled for Thursday, February 10, 2011 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A timeline for year one Reserve Competitive Funds - Rigorous Programs of Study is as follows:

Grant Application Released- Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grant Application Training - Thursday, February 10, 2011

Abstract Proposal Due - Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Accepted Applicants Notified - Friday, April 1, 2011

Final Applications Due - Wednesday, June 15, 2011

POS's are viewed as being key to educational reform.  States and LEA's must adopt rigorous college and career readiness standards that define what students are expected to know and be able to do to enter and advance in college, their careers or both.  The Reserve Competitive Funds Rigorous Program of Study Project provides an opportunity for districts to form partnerships while creating innovative strategies to enhance the learning environment for the students of Kanas.

Inquiries should be made to Karmey Olson, or 785-296-2883.  If unavailable, leave a message with Bev Smith, Senior Administrative Assistant at 785-296-1978.

Teacher Mock Interviews


Friday, February 4, 2011

Take the fear out of interviewing by participating in Teacher Mock Interview Day! Several district Superintendents and school Principals from the area will be on-campus to conduct practice interviews for ALL education majors. This provides an excellent opportunity to practice your interviewing skills, network with school districts, and assess strengths and weaknesses while gaining valuable interviewing experience! All junior & senior education majors are highly encouraged to participate.

To reserve a time slot stop by Career Services, Sheridan Hall 214, or call 628-4260. You may also sign-up online through your Careers for Tigers account. Participants in the Teacher Mock Interview Day are encouraged to dress professionally and have a resume prepared.

Career Services
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601
Phone: 785-628-4260
Fax: 785-628-4093