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Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy / Safe Fall Break!!!

FHSU adjourns classes today, for 1 week of Fall/Thanksgiving Break.

Dr. Guyot and I want to wish everyone a happy, enjoyable, safe Fall Break.

We will see you on November 30. (Dr. Guyot and I will be in Topeka on 11/29/2010, for a meeting.)

Best to you all!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Business Admin Pathway Approved for High Schools

Below is a note from Kirk Haskins at KSDE:


Please share with your schools and districts that yesterday the KACCTE advisory board approved Business Entrepreneurship and Management pathway (CIP Code 52.0799). Mike Valdivia, Blue Cross Blue Shields, did an outstanding job illustrating to the board both the importance and impact this pathway will have in serving Kansas high school students. Great job Mike!

In addition, KACCTE also approved that a new course, Business Economics (12105), be offered (at least as an option) in all Business, Marketing and Management clusters/pathways.

We had an excellent Business Industry Advisory Board, and I want to thank them for their guidance and time in creating this pathway. Specific thanks goes to Kylie Stupka, Youth Entrepreneurs, Rob Catlett, Emporia State, and Wally Meier, University of Kansas for being instrumental in our course development.

Also, I owe a big thank you to Scott Jones, Fort Hays State. His early work on Marketing and Finance, made my job easier. Without him, I would still be trying to figure out the difference in a cluster and a pathway.

Finally, I want to thank the 100's of business educators and school administrators for their suggestions and patience. From Wichita to Beloit to Oakley to Olathe, this pathway impacts the entire state. Getting a pathway of this magnitude designed was a daunting task, and none of this could have been done without the support from out teachers.

Best of weekends,

Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management


Monday, November 15, 2010

Update on Brayden Sander

From Shanna Zimmerman (Wichita East)

Brayden will be in the NICU for a few days to a couple weeks. He has to demonstrate his ability to breathe on his own, regulate his own temperature, and eat on his own (not with a spoon and fork J). They weaned him off the ventilator this morning and he has been doing well on his temperature. He is strong and in good shape for a preemie, there haven’t been any setbacks.

New FHSU Business Ed Tiger

Congrats to Lyndsey and Austin Sander.

News via Shanna Zimmerman (Wichita East):
I got a text today that Lyndsey had her baby – she wasn’t due until mid-December.
“Brayden Daniel Sander is here. 5lb 7oz 18 in. He is doing well for being a preemie but is in the nicu. Please keep our little man in your prayers.”

Lyndsey and Austin are both FHSU Business Ed Alum and they teach together at Wichita Heights.

Congrats to the Sanders!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

February Conference

KSDE and KBOR have decided not to host the annual February Conference this year. However, KAESA (Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies) has decided to hold a CTE conference---I'm finding this interesting, to say the least...???.... (oh well)

The information that Kirk Haskins from KSDE sent out is below******************

On behalf of the Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies:

Registration now available!

Career & Technical Education
Annual February Conference
Learning Today, Earning Tomorrow

February 21-23, 2011
Wichita Airport Hilton, Wichita, KS

Sponsored by the Kansas Association of Education Service Agencies (KAESA)

Click here for additional information and to register:

A tentative schedule of sessions will be posted in the future. Below are the conference hours for each day to assist in making travel plans:

Monday, February 21: 1:00-4:45pm
Tuesday, February 22: 8am-4:45pm
Wednesday, February 23: 8:30-11:00am

Please direct any questions to


Marie Z. Hall
Coordinator - Career & Technical Education
Southeast Kansas Education Service Center
P: (785) 862-7840
C: (785) 249-8772
F: (785) 862-8688

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

BMA - Courses Ready for Review


All five required courses for the Business Entrepreneurship and Management Pathway (52.0799) are available for review. Business Essentials (12050), Business Management (12052), Entrepreneurship (12053), Business Economics (12105) and Applied Business Development (12099) can be found at You will find these "DRAFTS" under the heading "Business, Management & Administration Documents."

Competencies reflect standards from National Career Clusters, National Content Standards for Entrepreneurship Education, National Business Education Association and The Council for Economic Education. In addition, these courses represent a collaboration of effort and feedback from secondary, post-secondary and industry representatives. I'm very pleased and proud of the hard work and commitment by these volunteers. I thank them all!

Please share these available documents with your colleagues. Feedback is important. They will be submitted for KACCTE approval on Nov. 17, 2010. I will be collecting comments until Friday, Nov. 12, 2010. E-mail your questions and comments to

Thanks again for your patience.

Kirk Haskins
Kirk Haskins, MBA, BA
Education Program Consultant - Business Management

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

From KSDE -- The Fed in KC

On behalf of Gigi Wolf, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City:

Dinner and Discussion for Educators

Topic: Economic Update and Lessons Learned from the Recession

Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City invites K-16 educators to attend an Evening at the Fed, a professional development opportunity featuring a presentation about the current state of our economy. Attendees will also receive a certificate of professional development and free materials to help apply the information learned in the classroom. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. Space is limited.

Register online today at

5:15 pm Registration opens
5:30 pm Reception and resource fair
6:00 pm Buffet opens
6:30 pm Presentation by Todd E. Clark, Vice President and Economist
8:00 pm Adjourn

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
1 Memorial Drive
Kansas City, MO 64198

For more information please contact:
Gigi Wolf
(816) 881-2736 or (800) 333-1010, ext. 12736

Dr. Jim Rucker (1947 - 2010)

If you are not aware, Dr. Rucker passed away on October 22, 2010. His funeral was October 25, in Hays.

Dr. Rucker was a beloved member of the FHSU Community, active in Business Education and Business Communication circles around the country.

He will be missed!